Monday, December 9, 2013

Save Water PSA Poster

My topic was about saving water

I learned that so much water is wasted just by taking showers alone. Not even including washing the dishes, laundry, etc.

The interesting facts I used from the wed site Water Facts was a normal shower head uses 5 gallons of water every MINUTE in the shower. Wow 5 gallons every minute that's more than people think.

My rough sketches and ideas are here showing my original plans, but I had to make changes to it to fit the project requirements.

My finished PSA informs and educates the viewer by showing facts and a nice graphic to draw peoples attention.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

© 2013 Copyright. All right reserved

Copyright definition is "The engine of free expression in our society and a major building block of the U.S. economy." as stated at For example if you would want to use something that is copyrighted you must follow rules and of the copyrighter. And if the copyrighter gives you permission or sends you the picture then you can use then.

Halloween Before Image Used With Permission Creative Commons

Playing with Photoshop exploring what liquify,  dodge, burn, and clone stamp tool. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dream Destination Get-Away

China is a dream destination for me, because of all the new culture and places you can there. China has a rich and ancient culture like the Great Wall to the Forbidden City,  but some areas are very modern like the capital of the People's Republic of China , Beijing, home of the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.

The official website for more information on this location can be found at This site will show you a lot of things about China, from the culture to the economy. It also shows you to some places you might want to visit when you're there.

I imagine visting this location and my experience being like the image I illustrated below of me looking at the beautiful view from the Great Wall of China, imagining how it would have been centuries ago to stare off the wall.